Invisalign vs Braces
Invisalign or braces, what treatment works for you?
Modern orthodontic treatments by trained specialists can help treat almost any dental concern. But every set of teeth and every patient’s preferences are unique. Only by talking to a specialist Orthodontist and discussing your personal requirements will you determine the best course of treatment to help correct your specific issue.
Invisalign or Braces?
Both Invisalign and standard braces are highly effective treatments for teeth straightening. While Invisalign avoids the metal appearance of standard braces with a more natural look, they are less effective than metal options for correcting gaps, misaligned teeth or complex bite issues.
Talk to a specialist
Talking to a trained Orthodontist about your preferences is the only way to determine the best possible course of treatment for you and your teeth.
To see the process we apply to determine your best course of treatment, click here.
Find out what is right for you; please click here to contact contact a trained dental specialist in Sydney at Orthoworx now.